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Hypercharge your UiPath automation program with Reveal RoboSuite® - build faster with reusable components and snippets, deliver best practice quality automations every time and deploy faster with confidence, eliminating rework.

RoboSuite® for UiPath enables developers & technology teams to:

  • Automate the most tedious, manual procedures that are adding days to your automation lifecycle

  • instantly creates automation components to best practice standards

  • stop bad code in its tracks with automated code reviews

  • automatically migrate your code into production in under 10 minutes

  • eliminate the manual procedures that make deploying your automations document-heavy, resource dependent and high-risk

Why Reveal RoboSuite® for Uipath

Why do I need it?

RoboSuite® for UiPath transforms your automation delivery and deployment experiences, ensuring every aspect is using a consistent, scalable approach that adheres to the most rigorous best practice with no additional effort. RoboSuite® for UiPath automates manual IT processes, increasing the quality and number of automations deployed.

RoboSuite® for UiPath enables:

  • De-risked delivery

  • Seamless RPA best practice

  • Rapid deployment

  • Standardized, auditable, easy-to-use ecosystem

RoboSuite® is three essential automation accelerators in one. RoboDesigner creates structure for each automation and access to reusable components which saves time but more importantly ensures consistency of build across your program. RoboReview ensures that as the automation is built out, defined best practice is followed with each and every component. RoboDeploy then removes manual work by migrating the automated solution from build, to test and into production. This suite of tools was built by Reveal Group developers for our own client deployments to ensure the highest quality, highly governed UiPath automations are deployed faster and better.

Transitioning your automations to the Operations Team at deployment is necessary for every automation, but it creates a lot of costly overhead. Manually creating, checking and governing automation component configurations wastes time and dollars. Putting unchecked, low-quality automation code into production halts your program and obstructs scalability.

How does it work?

RoboSuite® comprises a set of NuGet packages and libraries. To get started, simply add them to the UiPath Orchestrator and create a process using our installer package. The installer process will run as an attended automation via UiPath Assistant, to guide a Tenant Admin through the installation wizard steps.

Once installed in UiPath Orchestrator, RoboSuite® can be referenced in any project by any Developer using a connected Studio machine. RoboSuite® buttons will appear in the UiPath Studio toolbar ribbon to access an exciting range of new design, QA, reporting and deployment capabilities.