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RG-ANA-003 Log Activity Percentage


RG-ANA-003 checks each workflow contains an adequate percentage of logging activities. It counts defined logging activities as a percentage of the total number of activities contained with in the workflow returning the following error levels:

  • Error - If the workflow contains less than 2 logging activities. At a minimum a workflow must log each entry and exit point.
  • Warning - Less than 10% of the activities in the workflow relate to logging.
  • Info - More than 10% of the workflows activites relate to logging.


Insufficent logging makes it difficult to identify where issues originate within an automation. Logging is an essential tool for the operational management of automations. Effective logging quickly identifies the processing path that has been taken and the results of key business logic decisions.


  • Ensure each workflow conatins an adequate level of logging activities.
  • Ensure to log the Entry and Exit points of your workflows.
  • Ensure to log at key decision points.
  • Ensure log message content keeps Personal or Business data values private. for example: Log Entering Credit Card detail for payment. over Entering Credit Card 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX' Expiry 'MM/YY' CVC 'XXX' for payment.. If you need to know explicit variable values, run a debugging session in Studio or look them up from the Line of Business system record.
  • Ensure to set Log Message levels appropriately to highlight key messages.

Further Reading