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RoboDeploy® Pipeline Manager for Azure DevOps

This attended automation empowers team members to quickly and consistently provision an Azure DevOps workspace for a given UiPath Project, ensuring that every UiPath project is consistently versioned via Git Souce Control enabling teams to rapidly create and deploy process change via a Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

The Continuous Delivery Pipeline, triggered on each change commit in a monitored source control branch, automates the following actions on an available Build Agent:

  • Retrieve the Source Code revision
  • Automated Code Review using RoboReview® CLI
  • Calculation of a Semantic Version number using GitVersion
  • Packaging of the Project
  • Uploading of the Project’s Package to the RoboDeploy® Agile Release Train
  • Deployment of the Package via RoboDeploy® Release Manager.

Note: A “Build Agent” (machine) must be pre-provisioned to be able to run Pipeline actions. It must be have all pre-requisite software installed : UiPath Studio connected to an Orchestrator tenant, RoboReview® Command Line Interface (CLI) and GitVersion).

How to provision an Azure DevOps Project

  1. Run RoboDeploy.PipelineManager from your UiPath Assistant. RoboDeploy Pipelie Manager UiPath Assistant
  2. Specify the file path to the Project’s Project.json file. RoboDeploy Pipelie Manager Project Path
  3. Define the Azure DevOps Project Name, Description and Kanban Story Board type. Note The Project Name and Description will default to that of the selected UiPath Project. RoboDeploy Pipelie Manager DevOps Project Name
  4. Define the Agent Pool that will run the Pipeline and the Source Control branches that are monitored for change. Note The form will be pre-configured with recommended settings. RoboDeploy Pipelie Manager DevOps Pipeline Settings
  5. Define variables for the Release Train Platform used by the pipeline for the packages it creates after each source change. Note The form will be pre-configured with recommended settings. RoboDeploy Pipelie Manager DevOps Pipeline Variables
  6. Enable/Disable the pipelines Continuous Integration Steps. Note The form will be pre-configured with recommended settings. RoboDeploy Pipelie Manager DevOps Pipeline Integration Steps
  7. Enable/Disable the pipelines Continuous Deployment Steps. Note If you do not want the pipeline automatically deploying your package with RoboDeploy® Release Manager, disable this step to simply upload created packages to the desired Release Platform to await the next Release Train. RoboDeploy Pipelie Manager DevOps Pipeline Deployment Steps
  8. Submit the form to provision the AZure DevOps Project. Once provisioned a browser window will be opened at the Azure DevOps Project Administration Page. Add team member to the project and have them clone its repository to start development. RoboDeploy Pipelie Manager DevOps Administration

Setting up a Build Agent

  1. Select a windows machine that will be the Build Agent for your Pipeline.
  2. Ensure it has UiPath Studio installed and connected to your Orchestrator Tenant.
  3. Ensure that RoboReview® CLI has been installed.
  4. Create the following Environment Variables

    Environment Variable Value
    REVEALGROUP_ROBOREVIEW The full path to RoboReview.CommandLine.exe
    UIPATH_ROBOT The full path to UiRobot.exe
    UIPATH_STUDIO_COMMANDLINE The full path to UiPath.Studio.CommandLine.exe
  5. Follow the steps detailed in Self-hosted Windows agents to install a build agent and register it to the RoboSuite Agent Pool.