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RG-DBP-008 Global Exception Handler in Robotic Enterprise Framework


RG-DBP-008 ensures that the Global Exception Handler workflow is correctly configured for the UiPath project.

The Global Exception Handler is a type of workflow designed to determine the project’s behaviour when encountering an execution error and must have two arguments:

  1. errorInfo (In) - contains details about the error and workflow that failed.
  2. result (Out) - contains the result to determine the process’s subsequent behaviour when it encounters an error.


A Global Exception Handler allows for common error handling routines to occur when an exception is thrown. Thus, it helps in better error handling.


To add Global Exception Handler workflow, click on “New > Global Handler”.

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Choose the workflow name and location and click on “Create” button.

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This will create a global handler with default settings. Update the workflow as required.

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Remember: Global Exception Handler must return a result that configures the next steps after its execution. When used within Robotic Enterprise Framework or derivative, the Global Exception Handler must return a result of “ErrorAction.Continue” to re-throw the exception. It allows the Robotic Enterprise Framework “Try-Catch” activities to handle transaction state appropriately.

Further Reading