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RG-DOC-001 Workflow Annotation


RG-DOC-001 ensures that the first activity of a workflow contains an annotation.

It is best practice to document a workflow’s purpose, entry and exit conditions.


Without having adequate documentation, resources have to fully read and comprehend a workflow’s implementation to ascertain its purpose causing lost productivity.


  • Annotate a consistent templated set of documentation describing the workflow’s purpose, entry and exit conditions in the first activity of the workflow.
  • Ensure documentation is clear and concise.
  • Consider utilizing simple markdown syntax to structure your template and format comments.

Template Example:

## Workflow Purpose

A workflow should undertake one task and complete it very well. Describe the task this workflow undertakes.

## Pre-Conditions

- Describe any pre-conditions that must be met to successfully utilise this workflow.

- Does a system or data need to be at a specific state for successful outcomes?

## Post Conditions

- Describe the state that this workflow leaves a system or data in at its successful completion.

- Describe any known exception types that this workflow might throw.

Further Reading