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Frequently Asked Questions (TBC)

About RoboDesigner

What is Reveal RoboDesigner?

RoboDesigner is part of the automation accelerator product offering, Reveal RoboSuite, created by Reveal Group. RoboDesigner can read in your Project Design Instruction (PDI) and automatically generate your workflows, to save you time and effort when starting out developing your automation. Simply fill out a PDI template during the planning phase of your project, then when it’s time to start developing let RoboDesigner create all your workflows for you!

What challenges does RoboDesigner resolve?

RoboDesigner saves developers time and effort manually setting up workflows at the beginning of development. It’s an excellent tool to jump-start development and improve the efficiency of automation delivery.

Who is RoboDesigner for?

Any organisation or individual developer that is focused on efficiently delivering automations. Anyone who is starting a project and wants to make use of their planning efforts to fast track their automation development.

How fast is RoboDesigner?

A simple click action will generate all your workflows in an instant.

What is the best way to use RoboDesigner?

Fill out a Project Design Instruction (PDI) template during planning, then run RoboDesigner at the start of development to generate the base workflows.

What software do we need for RoboDesigner?

UiPath Studio v19.10 or higher.

How can I get RoboDesigner?

Please contact our RoboDesigner team leads today via [email protected].

Do I need a specific PDI template to use RoboDesigner?

Yes, the required PDI template can be downloaded from the following link:

Technology and Support

How is RoboDesigner supported?

RoboSuite is global and managed via our support ticketing system. Any support requests can be sent to the RoboSuite support email [email protected].

Can I receive training on how to use RoboDesigner?

Absolutely. We have an enablement team focused on training and sustainment. Find more details on our site

Privacy & Security

How are data privacy and security handled?

Please refer to our Privacy and Security statements on our website

Can we install RoboDesigner on our own servers?

RoboDesigner is only offered as a software-as-a-service model, there is no option to host on-premises.


Which automation platforms does RoboDesigner support?

RoboDesigner is currently available for Blue Prism and UiPath.