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How to Configure Rules

RoboReview® code inspections are fully configurable by any UiPath Studio Analyzer governance option available with your version of UiPath Studio.

To manually review or configure a rule through UiPath Studio:

  1. From a project with RoboReview® installed
  2. Click the arrow next to the ‘Analyze File’ icon → Click ‘Workflow Analyzer Settings’ Workflow Analyser Settings
  3. You can change the ‘Default action’ for a rule to Warning, Error, Info or Verbose How to change the default action for each rule
  4. Some rules have default preconfigured values (e.g., Rule RG-NMG-001). If your governance policy allows, you can modify these values, refer to each rule’s documentation for more detail. Warning - Only edit configuration options if you understand the impact of changes. How to change default parameters for each rule
  5. Click ‘OK’ to save your configurations Save configurations for each rule