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How to Read the Output in UiPath Studio

  1. Review the Error List. RoboReview project analysis result
  2. For each error click on the dropdown arrow to see the recommendation message. RoboReview project rule recommendation
  3. Follow the recommendations to resolve the error(s) and/or click on the rule link to obtain further information.

How to Read the Output in the RoboReview Report

The RoboReview® report is generated from information contained in RoboReview’s SQLite database. This database contains information from each code analysis run via Studio Analyzer.

Note: The path to the RoboReview® SQLite database is defined during RoboSuite® installation and is stored in the ReviewDatabase Asset in the RoboSuite/RoboReview folder of the Orchestrator Tenant.

The generated report is an Excel workbook that conatins two worksheets:

  • The Review Overview worksheet contains 4 charts that quickly answers the following questions:

    * How often are workflows being reviewed?
    * Which workflows contain complex logic?
    * Which workflows have known Errors/Warnings?
    * Are Errors/Warnings (Technical Debt), increasing or decreasing over time?

    RoboReview Analysis Report

  • The Analyzer Results worksheet contains the output of the last Project level Analyzer review, which can be filtered to review Indidual Rules, Workflows, Severities etc.

    RoboReview Analysis Report Results