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How to Report a Bug

There are three ways to contact support.

1. By Email

Send an email to [email protected] to submit a ticket to RoboReview Support Team.

2. Using the Support Menu → Support Ticket

Use the Support option under the RoboReview icon in UiPath Studio to submit a support ticket

RoboReview Support Ticket Menu

Provide detail of your query or issue → click ‘OK’

RoboReview Support Ticket Screen

You should see the confirmation message with the Ticket ID. Click ‘Yes’ if you want to attach your RoboReview logs to the support ticket (recommended) or click ‘No’ if you don’t.

RoboReview Support Ticket Confirmation

3. Unexpected Errors

If you encountered an unexpected error, click ‘Notify Support’

RoboReview unexpected error occurred

You should see the confirmation message with the Ticket ID. Click ‘Yes’ if you want to attach your RoboReview logs to the support ticket (recommended) or click ‘No’ if you don’t.

The support ticket was successfully submitted