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Reveal Group Template Benefits

Built to Reveal Group Standards

The Reveal Group Templates integrate our best practices in all aspects of development


  • fully integrates with ELK logging
  • records meaningful transaction and exception logs
  • level of detail allows for advanced debugging from the logs alone
  • created with data security as the highest priority
  • customizable without the need for code changes


  • the combination of the Load Queue and Process Cases can be applied to any business process
  • takes care of all of the complex aspects of development, only process level logic nedes to be added
  • updated (or rolled back) via a simple package version change, no code changes required

Transaction Logic:

  • customizable data management
  • provides local transactional level data storage functionality
  • can be easily integrated with other storage solutions (i.e. SQL Server)
  • transaction stage tracking, so actions are never performed twice

Exception Handling:

  • customizable number of retries for every stage, no code changes required
  • local or queue level retries available
  • built-in support team email notifications
  • optional exception screenshots
  • process specific exception handling workflows implemented and ready for development

Application Interaction:

  • application launch, close and kill workflows implemented and ready for development
  • pre-built process killing of common applications (i.e. Excel, Chrome, Edge, etc)
  • applications are always reset when required

Code Migration and Deployment:

  • templates are designed to be updated in production without affecting the process
  • integrates seamlessly with RoboSuiteĀ®, giving developers all of the tools at their disposal throughout development and deployment
  • pre-built process level arguments to enable simple runtime configuration changes
  • the dispatcher/performer project level design allows for greater robot processing efficiences

Evolving Development Standards

UiPath development standards, and the Robotic Enterprise Framework, are continuously and rapidly improving side-by-side with the RPA industry.

This creates a challenge of how to ensure both past and future automations have access to the latest framework functionality and design patterns.

Reveal Group Templates provides a solution to this challenge by:

  • giving developers direct access to the newest edition
  • enabling framework functionality updates on all implemented or in-flight process
  • providing framework level hot-fixes and improvements across your entire automation program
  • locking out developers from making unapproved framework level changes