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Frequently Asked Questions

About RoboReview

What is Reveal RoboReview?

RoboReview is part of the automation accelerator product offering, Reveal RoboSuite, created by Reveal Group. RoboReview provides intelligent configuration reviews, on demand. It is a proactive self-service check of your configuration quality, stopping bad code in its tracks. You get real-time feedback, in line with best practices… every time. Simply click and wait for your results.

What challenges does RoboReview resolve?

RoboReview eliminates the need for a costly design authority by checking the configuration against RPA development best practices to improve automations, minimize ongoing cost, effort and risk, and share actionable feedback. It’s an excellent tool to mentor junior developers and standardize experts.

Who is RoboReview for?

Any organization or individual developer that is focused on saving time and improving code quality. It is built for Developers and Design Authorities alike, anyone who builds or reviews automations – it’s a universal tool that can allow your team to scale without any reduction in quality.

How fast is RoboReview?

A simple click action will generate your code review within seconds.

What processes are suitable for RoboReview?

Processes and components at any stage of the development lifecycle are suitable for review by RoboReview. Irrespective of size and complexity, RoboReview makes your code reviews simple.

How do I get the best results from RoboReview?

Frequently submit processes and action the feedback to maintain automations of the highest quality

What software do we need for RoboReview?

UiPath Studio v19.10 or higher

How can I get RoboReview?

RoboReview can be purchased directly from Reveal Group’s website at For more information, contact our RoboReview team leads today via [email protected].

Technology and Support

How is RoboReview supported?

RoboReview support is global and managed via our support ticketing system. Any support requests can be sent to the RoboReview support email [email protected].

Can I receive training on how to use RoboReview?

Absolutely. We have an enablement team focused on training and sustainment. Find more details on our site

Privacy & Security

How is data privacy and security handled?

Please refer to our Privacy and Security statements on our website

Can we install RoboReview on our own servers?

RoboReview is only offered as a software-as-a-service model, there is no option to host on premises.


Which automation platforms does RoboReview support?

RoboReview is currently available for Blue Prism and UiPath.

How do I use RoboReview?

  1. Install RoboReview to UiPath Studio by referencing the RoboReview packages within your project
  2. Open the project or the workflow you would like to review
  3. Configure the rules
  4. Run RoboReview Wizard. Select Scope, Robot Type and Environment the automation is built for.
  5. Wait for the project analysis to finish
  6. Review the output on the Error List tab

How often can I submit to RoboReview?

You can submit as many times as you’d like! RoboReview is a comprehensive tool to aid in the design and review of automations. ### What does ### RoboReview check and validate our code against? RoboReview validates code against UiPath best practices supplemented by Reveal Group’s years of expertise in RPA.

How customizable is RoboReview? What if we wanted to deviate from UiPath best practices?

RoboReview is based on Reveal Group’s tried and true experience building and testing RPA code. Although the rule modification is possible, RoboReview is created with best practices embedded based on thousands of process designs.

What reporting capabilities are available in RoboReview?

RoboReview has a comprehensive suite of reports available within an integrated Analytics module. This allows Development Leads, Design Authorities and Automation Executives to review quality scores across the organization. Scores may be presented in numerous dimensions, such as by Date, Employee, Team, Risk Category and Review Consideration.