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How to Install Reveal Group UiPath Templates

Installation Prerequisites

1 . UiPath Studio version 20.10 or greater.

Reveal Group UiPath Templates relies on activity functionality which was introduced in UiPath version 20.10.

Prerequisites to Enable Integration with RoboSuite® for UiPath

1 . Simply follow the How to Install RoboSuite® for UiPath instructions.

Reveal Group UiPath Templates integrate seamlessly with RoboSuite® for UiPath.

2 . Although it is possible to install the Reveal Group UiPath Templates separately (instructions below), it is included as part of the RoboSuite® for UiPath installation package.

Installation of Reveal Group UiPath Templates

RoboReview® Templates are a set of NuGet package templates and dependencies made available to your UiPath Studio Templates repository via a remote or local Package Manager location.

Reveal Group Templates supports multiple versions of UiPath Studio and it is important to match the version of Reveal Group Templates with UiPath Studio

Note: To enable RoboSuite® for UiPath use the relevant RoboSuite® Templates Version, otherwise use the relevant Non-RoboSuite® Templates Version.

UiPath Studio Version RoboSuite® Templates Version Non-RoboSuite® Templates Version
20.10.x.x 2010.x.x.x 20102010.x.x.x
21.4.x.x 2104.x.x.x 21042104.x.x.x
21.10.x.x 2110.x.x.x 21102110.x.x.x
22.04.x.x 2204.x.x.x 22042204.x.x.x

The Reveal Group Templates will be available to use from Studio Templates

The RevealGroup Load Queue & RevealGroup Process Cases project templates will be available with all of the latest package releases.

  • Simply search for RevealGroup and select an appropriate version to use by using the table above.

Uipath Package Manager

A successful installation will create a ready-for-purpose UiPath project

Usage guides for:

Uipath Package Manager