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RG-DBP-010 Robotic Enterprise Framework workflows only invoke Sub-Processes


This rule inspects Robotic Enterprise Framework workflows to verify whether it contains an activity of the first principle type. All the activities should be placed inside the workflows that are invoked from the Robotic Enterprise Framework states.

The Robotic Enterprise Framework States and the respective workflows invoked are:

  • Initialization state:
    • InitAllSettings.xaml
    • KillAllProcesses.xaml
    • InitAllApplications.xaml
  • Get Transaction Data
    • GetTransactionData.xaml
  • Process Transaction
    • Process.xaml
    • SetTransactionStatus.xaml
      • RetryCurrentTransaction.xaml
      • TakeScreenshot.xaml
      • CloseAllApplications.xaml
      • KillAllProcesses.xaml
  • End Process
    • CloseAllApplications.xaml
    • KillAllProcesses.xaml


Robotic Enterprise Framework workflows having activities that are not invoked from sub-processes will hamper the code in terms of its readability, maintainability, reusability, and manageability.


The workflows that are invoked from Robotic Enterprise Framework states must only invoke sub-process workflows rather than containing activity of first principle type.

Further Reading