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RoboDeploy® is a series of automations that remove repetitive deployment actions required to deploy a solution to UiPath Orchestrator. RoboDeploy® has three main components

  • RoboDeploy® Configuration Manager - An automation that enables team members to configure a Project’s Orchestrator Dependencies (Folders, Assets, Queues, Process & Triggers) as well as Configuration Settings through an Orchestrator connected graphical user interface. The project’s configuration, stored in the Data/Config.json file, is included in the projects deployment package.

  • RoboDeploy® Release Manager - An automation that deploys packages to Orchestrator, reading the configuration file created by Configuration Manager, Release Manager calls the Orchestrator Tenant API to ensure that all defined Folders, Assets, Queues, Process & Triggers are provisioned.

  • RoboDeploy® Pipeline Manager - An automation that provisions an Azure DevOps workspace for a given UiPath Project with a configured Git Source Control Repository and a configured Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

The Continuous Delivery Pipeline, triggered on each change commit in a monitored source control branch, automates the following actions on an available Build Agent:

  • Retrieve the Source Code revision
  • Automated Code Review using RoboReview® CLI
  • Calculation of a Semantic Version number using GitVersion
  • Packaging of the Project
  • Uploading of the Project’s Package to the RoboDeploy® Agile Release Train
  • Deployment of the Package via RoboDeploy® Release Manager.

Note: A “Build Agent” (machine) must be pre-provisioned to be able to run Pipeline actions. It must be have all pre-requisite software installed : UiPath Studio connected to an Orchestrator tenant, RoboReview® Command Line Interface (CLI) and GitVersion).

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